Inspiring the
Next Generation of Science Learners

Naturalists play a vital role in our community. They are educators, inspiring the next generation of environmental stewards. They are ambassadors, creating pathways for families to experience nature together. They are experts, cultivating a genuine curiosity for the world around us. Quarry Hill naturalists empower individuals with knowledge, ignite enthusiasm, and fuel the fires of curiosity. 

As a non-profit, Quarry Hill Nature Center prospers thanks to the generous gifts from our community. Your donation will provide the resources and tools necessary for our team of naturalists who nurture the bright minds of tomorrow, guiding students to develop the science skills and mindset they will need to contribute solutions to 21st-century challenges, including those focused on sustainability and the environment.

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Ways to Support Quarry Hill Nature Center

MOnthly Giving

You can make a big impact by giving on a recurring basis. Monthly donors provide a steady stream of funding to ensure that Quarry Hill Nature Center has the resources to maintain and expand our efforts to connect people with nature.

Set up a recurring gift

Planned Giving

Through planned giving, you can leave a legacy gift that will help sustain Quarry Hill Nature Center in the future. 


Learn More


Donating stocks to Quarry Hill Nature Center is a smart and simple way to help protect the natural world, and you may be able to maximize your tax benefits. To make a stock gift to Friends of Quarry Hill Nature Center, please contact Development Manager Matt Lambert at 507-328-3953 or to let us know the name and number of shares so we can acknowledge your donation. 

To Transfer shares to our account, use the following information: 

Broker: ETrade
DCT - 0015
Account: 572 377957     

Legal Name: Friends of Quarry Hill Nature Center
Tax ID # 36-3416399          ​​​​​​

Tribute and Memorial GIfts

Donating in honor or memory of a loved one is a special way to celebrate their love of nature.  If you are interested in sending a tribute donation, please alert our Development Manager with a note attached to the donation or contact Matt Lambert at 507-328-3953 or

Make a Tribute Gift Here

Donor-Advised Funds

Donor-advised funds, which can be established in investment and community foundations, are becoming an increasingly popular way for donors to make charitable gifts. Contact your advisor to recommend a grant from your fund to Quarry Hill Nature Center. 

IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution

A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QDC) from your IRA to Quarry Hill is an efficient and tax-friendly way to support the causes that matter to you most. If you are 70½ or older, you can make this tax-free distribution from your IRA directly to Quarry Hill. If you're 73 or older, your distribution gift can be used toward your required minimum distribution.

Contact your IRA administrator and ask them to make a QCD to the Friends of Quarry Hill Nature Center. For tax information, please consult your tax adviser.


Have questions about supporting Quarry Hill Nature Center? 

Contact: Matt Lambert, Development Manager
                    507-328-3953 or